Program to find maximum profit in a stock numbers
Program to find maximum profit in a stock numbers, This is question recently asked me in the interview, So I wanted to share it. happy coding and all the best for your interview.
7/14/20241 min read
Program to find maximum profit in a stock numbers, basically they will give a list of number basically it should be maximum profit.
example : [8,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,2,2]
So here user can buy a stock on low price - 1, even though 8 is present it won't yield maximum since user cant sell at 8 and buy at 1, i will be loss. So expected answer is 1-7 = 6
array: A list of stock prices (e.g., [10, 7, 5, 8, 11, 9]).
Initialize an empty list called result to store the profit differences.
Iterate over each low price in the array.
For each low price, iterate over each high price in the reversed array.
Check if the index of the low price is less than the index of the high price.
If true, calculate the profit (difference between high and low prices) and append it to the result list.
Print the maximum profit (the highest value in the result list).
For example, given the stock prices [10, 7, 5, 8, 11, 9], the maximum profit would be 6 (buy at 5, sell at 11).
Solution in python:
input = [10, 5, 20, 15, 30]
print(max_profit(input)) # Output: (25)
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